How to Reset Frigidaire Air Conditioner: Quick and Easy Steps

To reset a Frigidaire Air Conditioner, locate the reset button on the unit and press it for 3-5 seconds. This will restore the AC to its default settings and clear any error codes.

When resetting the AC, make sure it is plugged in and powered on. It’s important to note that the location of the reset button may vary depending on the model of the Frigidaire Air Conditioner. Keep reading to learn more about how to reset a Frigidaire Air Conditioner and troubleshoot common issues.

Whether you’re dealing with a malfunctioning air conditioner or simply need to reset it after a power outage, knowing how to reset your Frigidaire Air Conditioner is essential. A reset can help clear any error codes and restore the AC to its default settings, getting it back up and running smoothly. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to reset a Frigidaire Air Conditioner and troubleshoot common issues so you can stay cool and comfortable. So, let’s get started and learn how to reset your Frigidaire Air Conditioner.

Common Issues

One common issue with Frigidaire air conditioners is when the unit does not turn on. If you encounter this problem, check the power supply and ensure it’s properly connected. Another issue is when the air conditioner doesn’t cool properly. Make sure the temperature settings are correct and that the filter is clean.

If you notice unusual noises coming from the unit, it could be due to a loose or damaged fan blade, motor, or compressor. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a professional technician for repairs. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the air filter and ensuring proper installation, can help prevent these issues and prolong the lifespan of your Frigidaire air conditioner.

Remember to refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for any specific troubleshooting steps.

Resetting The Frigidaire Air Conditioner

Resetting the Frigidaire Air Conditioner is a simple process. First, power off the unit completely. Next, locate the reset button on the air conditioner. Once found, press and hold the reset button for a few seconds. This action will reset the air conditioner to its default settings.

By following these steps, you can easily reset your Frigidaire Air Conditioner and resolve any issues you may be experiencing. Remember, regular maintenance and occasional resetting can help maintain optimal performance of your air conditioner. So, whenever you encounter any problems, don’t hesitate to try resetting your Frigidaire Air Conditioner as a potential solution.

Steps To Reset Frigidaire Air Conditioner

Resetting a Frigidaire air conditioner is a simple process that can be done in a few steps. First, make sure to turn off the power to the unit. Next, locate the reset button on the air conditioner. Press and hold the reset button for a few seconds.

Make sure to hold the button for the specified duration. Finally, power on the unit and your Frigidaire air conditioner will be reset and ready to use again. Following these steps will ensure that your air conditioner is properly reset and functioning at its best.

Let’s get started with the reset process for your Frigidaire air conditioner.

Other Troubleshooting Tips

One of the troubleshooting tips for Frigidaire air conditioners is cleaning the air filter regularly.

How to Reset Frigidaire Air Conditioner: Quick and Easy Steps


Frequently Asked Questions For How To Reset Frigidaire Air Conditioner

Where Is The Reset Button On Frigidaire Ac?

The reset button on a Frigidaire AC can be found on the control panel.

How Do You Manually Reset An Air Conditioner?

To manually reset an air conditioner, locate the reset button on the unit and press it.

How Do I Reset My Frigidaire Air Compressor?

To reset your Frigidaire air compressor, follow these steps: 1. Turn off the air compressor and unplug it from the power source. 2. Wait for at least 5 minutes to let it cool down. 3. Plug it back in and turn it on.

4. Your Frigidaire air compressor has now been reset.

Where Is The Ac Reset Button Located?

The AC reset button is usually located on the outside unit of the air conditioner.


Resetting your Frigidaire air conditioner is a simple process that can help you resolve common issues and get your unit running efficiently again. By following a few easy steps, you can reset your air conditioner and restore its optimal performance.

Firstly, ensure that the unit is powered off and unplugged, allowing it to reset completely. Next, press and hold the reset button on the control panel for at least five seconds. Once the unit is reset, you can plug it back in and turn it on to see if the issue has been resolved.

Remember to also check the air filters regularly and clean them as needed to maintain the performance of your Frigidaire air conditioner. By following these steps and conducting regular maintenance, you can ensure a cool and comfortable environment in your home all summer long.